Press Releases


1. CAUSES PREMATURE AGING: The heart has a finite number of beats, the back has a finite number of bends, and the cartilage has a finite number of shock absorptions, and once you’ve reached your quota, your body begins to fail.

2. EXERCISE IS STRESSFUL: The end result is a tired, chronically fatigued individual who has disrupted sleep, low libido, worn-out looking eyes, a set and stressed jawline, and a skinny fat body look no matter how much exercise they do.

3. EXERCISE CAN DESTROY DIETS: Whether you are trying to eat a diet lower in inflammatory compounds to manage an autoimmune disease or cancer, trying to eat a lower calorie diet to lose weight or teach your body to eat less, or trying to switch to a low carbohydrate diet as mentioned earlier, it is very hard to accomplish these nutritional changes while you are engaged in heavy exercise patterns.

4. EXERCISE CAN BREAK UP FAMILIES: It is difficult for a spouse or family member to negotiate with the over-exerciser to spend more time with family.  

5. EXERCISE HURTS THE HEART: Wear and tear of years of heavy-duty workouts or lifelong endurance exercise can weaken heart muscles – predisposing you to a condition called “ventricular arrhythmia” in which the heart beats erratically.

6. EXERCISE IS ADDICTIVE: Consistent exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, which are hormones secreted by your pituitary gland to block pain, decrease anxiety and create feelings of euphoric happiness. 
