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African oil bean and it's health benefits

African oil bean and it's health benefits


African oil bean seed popularly called ukpaka/ugba by the Igbo, apara by the Yoruba and ukana by the Efik is a nutrient-packed natural food that has been under-exploited and as a result it calls for immediate attention to be massively tapped into.

African oil bean seed is a food that is mostly enjoyed by the south-eastern part of Nigeria. The southeasterners use African oil bean seed or ugba as it is popular called to prepare African salad (abacha), millet (fio fio), achicha, , yam and green vegetables and so on.

Health benefits are:

  1. Studies have shown that consumption of African oil bean seed reduces cancer risks.
  2. Eating a good amount of African oil bean seed is likely to reduce developing cataracts in the eye.
  3. Also, the bark and seeds of African oil bean can be used to produce local ointment for treating itches, cuts, wounds and insect bites.
  4. Do you also know that the African oil bean seed is a source of protein?
  5. African oil bean seeds contain saponins and alkaloids that possess anti-bacterial properties thus can be used for fighting bacillus cereus, staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella pneumonia and bacillus subtilis.
  6. The oil bean seed can also be used to prevent and cure heart failure.
  7. It is also a medicinal food used for treating infertility.
  8. The bark and leaves of the African oil bean tree have been proven effective for tackling gonorrhea.
  9. It is also used for the treatment of stomach ache and inflammation. The pods are burnt by the Yoruba, added to oil or Shea butter and applied to boils and inflammations.
  10. Finally, the most amazing thing about the African oil bean seed is that it is n excellent source of oil thus can be used commercially for producing soap, candles and cooking oil.

Now you've seen the reason why should not give up eating African oil bean.

So keep snacking it!!!


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