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  • office@godwinibe.org
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Fiber is an undigestible carbohydrate found in plants. 


Soluble Fiber and Insoluble Fiber. 

SOLUBLE FIBER: It forms a viscous gel in your colon during digestion and can help manage your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 

INSOLUBLE FIBER: It adds bulk to your stool and promotes regular bowel movements.


* RASPBERRIES: It comes from a woody shrub native to Europe and range in red, yellow, purple, and black colors. These small, juicy fruits are sweet and tart in taste and packed with nutrients. 

* BLACKBERRIES: They are made of tiny, juicy drupelets clustered around a central core, giving them a bumpy texture. They are grown worldwide and have a tart, sweet, slightly bitter taste.

* BLUEBERRIES: They grow in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. They are small, round berries with a deep blue to purple color and a sweet, mildly tart flavor.

* PEARS: They are bell-shaped with smooth, thin skin that can be green, yellow, red, or brown. The fruit is typically sweet with crisp or soft flesh. They grow in temperate climates, including parts of Europe and Asia.

* APPLES: They are grown worldwide and are a main source of phenolic compounds like quercetin in the Western diet. They are round with smooth skin that can be red, green, or yellow. The fruit has a crisp texture and a sweet-tart flavor that varies depending on the variety.

* BANANAS: They originate in Southeast Asia and are grown in regions near the equator. The fruit is soft and creamy with a sweet flavor. Bananas make a convenient on-the-go snack with their peel serving as a natural protective cover. 

* ORANGE: It is the most widely grown citrus fruit in the world. It is a hybrid of the pomelo and mandarin orange. There are various kinds of oranges with flavors ranging from sweet to bitter.

* TANGERINES: They are citrus fruits that are sometimes called mandarin oranges. Technically, they are a type of mandarin with a larger shape, thinner skin, and slightly brighter orange color. Tangerines taste more tart than other mandarins.

* AVOCADO: It is a fruit native to Mexico and Central America and primarily cultivated in Mexico, has a green, pebbled skin and creamy, pale-green flesh with a nutty, buttery taste. It is a good source of fiber. 

* GUAVA: It is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, is a round or oval fruit with rough, greenish-yellow skin and sweet, fragrant, pink or white flesh containing small, edible seeds. Its texture ranges from crunchy to creamy, depending on ripeness. 

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  • ♦  Excellence, our watchword
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