1. BURNS: Honey has been used as a salve to heal burns and prevent infections for thousands of years, honey may reduce burn healing time.
2. MEMORY: Some say honey can improve both short- and long-term memory, especially in menopausal and postmenopausal women.
3. HERPES: Honey is an effective topical treatment for both oral and genital herpes. It can also heal lesions from herpes just as quickly as ointments you find at a pharmacy, and it’s even better at reducing itchiness.
4. DIABETES: Honey has a lower glycemic index than sugar, which means it won’t spike your blood sugar levels the way sugar will. Honey also has a sweeter taste than sugar and may help you use less sweetener on foods. This makes honey a better option than sugar.
5. HEMORRHOIDS: Hemorrhoids cause itching and pain in the anus, as well as blood in the stool. They are never fun. If you’re looking for a home remedy, honey might fit the bill.
6. WOUNDS AND ULCERS: Honey has been used to dress wounds for centuries. Honey can sterilize wounds and promote healing, and also reduce pain, odor, and wound size. It can also treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria and long-term ulcers and wounds after surgery and from burns.
7. PSORIASIS: Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes redness, blisters, itching, and even lesions. It’s usually treated with topical creams that contain corticosteroids or vitamin D, but honey may be more effective.