Health Benefits of Tiger nuts

Health Benefits of Tiger nuts


Health Benefits of Tiger nuts

Cyperus esculentus is a species of plant in the sedge family widespread across much of the world. It is found in most of the Eastern Hemisphere, including Southern Europe, Africa and Madagascar, as well as the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

Below are the Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts

1. They are rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are natural compounds in plants that can prevent or slow cell damage caused by free radicals or unstable molecules in the body.

2. May reduce blood glucose levels

Tiger nuts are a relatively low-carb food, meaning they’re great for people with diabetes who struggle to keep their blood sugar under control. They contain significant amounts of fiber, which slows down digestion and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

3. May improve digestive health

These nuts can help restore balance to your digestive system and eliminate issues like constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, and indigestion. They are a rich source of fiber that prevents constipation while speeding up digestion and nutrient absorption. 

4. May improve heart health

Incorporating tiger nuts into your diet may help improve cardiovascular function and prevent heart disease.

5. May boost the immune system

Tiger nuts may boost your immune function through their ability to fight infections, especially bacterial infections, including E.coli and salmonella.


Source:, Wikipedia
