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Swimming and its Importance to Human Health

Swimming and its Importance to Human Health

Swimming and its Importance to Human Health

Swimming is an act of moving through the water by using the arms, legs, and body in motions called strokes. The most common strokes are the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and sidestroke. Swimming is an integral part of almost all water-based activities. It is also a competitive sport itself.


Below are the Benefits of Swimming to Human’s Health:

1. Total Body Workout

Swimming is a great total body workout! When you swim, you engage almost every major muscle group, including your arms, legs and core.


2. Cardiovascular Fitness

Swimming is the best form of low impact cardiovascular fitness!

Cardiovascular exercise involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. Any type of aerobic activity like swimming, biking, or running will improve your cardiovascular fitness. Keeping your cardio fitness in check can help enhance your wellbeing for a lifetime.


3. Lifelong Fitness

Swimming is a unique sport because it truly is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Some types of exercise can be challenging or impossible to complete for people who are older or who have limited technical skill.

4.Rehab Injuries

If you have an injury or a chronic condition like arthritis, swimming is a great way to rehabilitate your body and manage symptoms. The water gently supports your muscles, so it’s like being in zero gravity with the added benefit of the water’s resistance for fitness.

5. Accessible For People With Disabilities

For people with a physical disability, the water may be a great way to exercise. There are many physically disabled athletes who love to swim, and pools around the world are making their facilities more accessible.

6. Improves Sleep

The more you swim, the better you will sleep! In trials of adults with insomnia, those who exercised regularly reported improved sleep.

7. Boosts Your Mood

Swimming makes you happy! It’s proven that exercise releases endorphins, which improve your overall mood and happiness. Swimming is also a great way to build a social community, focus on goal-setting, and improve your confidence.





Sources: blog.myswimpro.com, stoplearn.com

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